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PLANNING MEETING CANCELATION NOTICE:                                          MEETING NOTICE CANCELLATION – PLANNING COMMISSION                                                                               DECEMBER 2, 2024 PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE DECEMBER 2, 2024 4 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION MEEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED.  THE NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING DATE HAS NOT BEEN DETERMINED.                                                                                 LAURA SAGLER, VILLAGE CLERK/TREASURER

Notice of Location & Hours of Polling Place

Notice of Location and Hours of Polling Place


At the Spring Election to be held on April 2, 2024 in the Village of Oakdale, the following polling place locations will be used for the wards indicated:

                   Location                                                          Wards


Village of Oakdale Hall, 133 Well Dr., Tomah, WI               1

All polling places will open at 7:00 A.M. and will close at 8:00 P.M. All polling places are accessible to elderly and voters with disabilities.


If you have any questions concerning your polling place, contact the Village clerk.

                                          Laura Sagler

                         133 Well Drive, Tomah, WI 54660


Monday, Wednesday, or Friday by Appointment – 9:00 – 3:00 PM



Notice of Meeting of the Local and Municipal Board of Canvassers (MBOC)

At the close of voting on Election Day, pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stat. § 19.84, the Election Inspectors will convene as a joint meeting of the Local Board of Canvassers and the MBOC for the purpose of conducting the local and municipal canvasses pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§7.51 and 7.53(1). This meeting will be open to the public pursuant to Wis. Stat. §§ 19.81-89.


Notice of Meeting of MBOC to Process Rehabilitated Provisional Ballots

If provisional ballots have been issued and are subsequently cured by the voter before 4:00 p.m. on the Friday after the election, the MBOC must meet no later than the following Monday at 9:00 a.m. to process the cured provisional ballots.  This is a public meeting and requires applicable notice.



                                                                                          Laura Sagler, Village Clerk/Treasurer



Posted: Village Hall, Oakdale Credit Union, Oakdale Post Office and Website